Sunday, October 25, 2009

WOW: gimcrack


I like this word. As a noun, it means: Something cheap and showy, of little use. As an adjective: Showy, but worthless.

I'm giddy thinking of all the ways this word applies to my workaday world. For instance, the gimcrack project I'm working on right now. I told my boss on Friday that I knew no one would use the particular aspect of the project I'm busting my butt to finish. I'd literally spoken with folks around the world who said they didn't need it. In other words, I had empirical evidence of gimcrack. You know what she said? "We promised to provide this today, so keep going."

I'm sorry? Did I inadvertently suggest that I think and apply reason to my work? Silly me.

So anyway, back to our word. Its etymology is uncertain, as my sources say: "perhaps an alteration of
Middle English gibecrake (small ornament), possibly from Old French giber (to shake)." That'll clear things up, won't it?

Here's an example I really like: "Uncle Rabid Prophet TechEye has worshiped more gimcrack bits of junk and practiced more half-baked religions than all of Hollywood combined."
Bow Down And Open Your Wallet; Warsaw Business Journal (Poland); Aug 21, 2006.
Special thanks to Anu Garg for pointing out this word.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, right gimcrack post darlin.



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