Monday, May 18, 2009

Unhealthy preoccupation

I’m obsessing about this executive pay thing. Truth be told, I’ve been having heart palpitations about this for years, even before the government bailout made it trendy. That CEO I was writing about earlier? The one who cut his $1.5 million base pay as a gesture of sympathy whilst tucking his $48 million bonus in his theoretical bra strap? Just wanted to report that last year his salary went up 68%. And you can’t tell me that his stellar performance at the helm warranted this raise, as shareholder return for the same period of time fell 28%. Trust me kids, even in the best of times [we’re talking the 90s here] us lowly tech workers were thrilled to see anything above 10%. And we’ve been seeing the bottom of 3% ever since.

I know, I know, so what’s new with this, Mary? Nothing, it’s just the trendy bailout thing and the paycut I’ve received and the cynicism of throwing $300K over the fence to show that times are tough all over makes me sick.

And get this: Four of the ten hightest-paid executives on the AP’s list for financial firms have been the biggest bailout recipients. Goldman Sachs guy got $42.9 million, and so did the dude over at American Express. Yeah, that’s right: those two banks got billions [no hyperbole here, really billions] in bailout money.

How am I sposta get up and go when these guys have gone up and went with such gusto?

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. He should have reduced his salary to $1.

    But I have a much more pressing problem. Do eggs need to be refrigerated? I left some out for the past 8 hours. What do you think?


What do you think?