Sunday, June 14, 2009


Read a newspaper article recently that discussed how college grads are worried about getting jobs In This Economy. I have some good news for them: the two high tech companies I've had the most recent experience with are looking exclusively to hire college grads. I wonder why? Let's think about it...

One of my bosses put it out there that the company wanted to hire "junior" people. That way, her reasoning went, we seniors [not AARP members, mind you, it would be illegal to refer to our age] could have help with the grunt work as we set our sights on rising the corporate ladder. Um, okay, that's possible. But at that company, the ladder in question was chock full of rabid risers who were frantically kicking at those below. So I'm not sure the company was really interested in putting more of us on the road to success.

Another manager at that company made a mistake and told half the truth to the folks on her staff. She said that the company was looking to get new blood and new ideas in a last ditch effort to change the company's image to that of a hip, happening software company rather than the aging dinosaur that it actually was. No wonder that manager was having trouble being promoted to director.

My current company makes no bones about the truth: new college grads are cheaper. And they're malleable: make them what you want, then when they start to make more money, pitch them for newer, even younger lickspittles (great word, isn't it?).

I guess in a way I appreciate being leveled with. Or maybe as Sheryl Crowe says, lie to me.

Back to the article, tho. There's a picture of this dude sitting on a velour sofa amidst strewn dirty laundry, video game controller, a guitar, and a leopard print pillow. Did he read in a book how to look like a stereotypical college boy? Yikes! Turns out he just got his undergrad degree in history. And he's JUST NOW worrying about getting a job? What was he thinking four years ago? That McDonald's would be hiring, so no worries?

Sorry, I love history, and I love literature, but if you're gonna major in those things in college, forget about worrying about getting a job. Just have a trust fund.

What do you think?


  1. On a lighter note... yesterday on the long drive home we were listening to the comedy channel (the clean-ish one) on our handy-dandy satellite radio and they played Rosanna Rosannadanna's commencement speech for the class of '79 journalism graduates. She was sooo funny... missed getting a job at CBS because Walter Cronkite thought she farted in his office while eating his bologna sandwich. Have you heard it? I'll try to dig it up on youtube.

  2. Here it is!

  3. You're right, Sandy, that *was* hilarious! Was it a real commencement address? Because the people sitting behind her did not seem amused at all. Not sure if they were a part of the spoof or not.

  4. Remember the airplane pilot who managed to safely land the small jet in the Hudson River a couple of months ago? When interviewed, the fifty-something pilot commented that over his 20 plus-year career, he had landed planes thousands of times; it was EXPERIENCE!

  5. Welcome, Isha! Very good point about that pilot. Think of it: having experience and wisdom instead of just providing the least expensive flying services. It's a wonder he had a job! ;) Looking forward to getting to know you.



What do you think?