Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Word of the week winner

So maybe it's not actually going to be the word of the week. Word of the fortnight? Word of the whenever I feel like it? We'll go with that.

In any case, the word of the week was: Persnickety, which means "overly particular about details or trifles; fastidious, punctilious." Here are the runners up and ultimate winner:
  • The fabulous Sandy's entry was timely and cute, just like she is: "I was quite persnickety about how the car should be packed for camping. Every time kevin added an item I would pull it out and put it somewhere else."

  • Janette had a wicked good entry as well: "Despite the throbbing pain in her wrist, the photographer kept clicking the mouse to suit her persnickety standards."

  • But Ricardo stole the show with his entry, which exposed the British version of the word in such a witty way: "Per Snickety's instructions, the mechanics were persnickety in their inspection of the American's truck and pernickety in their examination of the Brit's lorry."
I'm so proud to call you kids my friends. Watch for the next word of the something or other contest. Feel free to add a comment below using the word in a sentence....


  1. Here, here. I vote for the British-ism one as well. Maybe the winner would like to come up with the next word of the whenever?

  2. Ah, brilliant! Ricardo, what's the word of the whenever?



What do you think?